the deur's

the deur's

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

six months of cora grace.

oh sweet girl, we love you so much. life is so much more complete with you in it.
you are such a happy baby. you love watching and interacting with parker and madalyn. you love to screech and put your chubby fingers in parkers hair (he loves it too!). you are caucious with madelyn, as you should be, since she is often rough with you. lately the three of you are all talking/babbling/yelling/laughing in the car's really quite fun and entertaining.
you are already starting solids (started at month 5) and are a champion eater! 
your first foods were avocados, oatmeal, prunes, applesauce and peas. a big fan of all except the applesauce!

you started rolling everywhere at 5 months. you'd start on a blanket and before we knew it you'd be in the front hall by the stairs!! You are pushing yourself backwards...hopefully forward movement is soon but not too soon!

 one week old
one month
 two months
 three months
five months
six months

Thursday, May 5, 2016

cora grace.

on monday, april 25 at 9:10 am we welcomed cora grace into our family. 

here's her birthday story:

my due date was april 19. i was really hoping the baby would come before that because i was really uncomfortable. my doctor even thought "you'll never make it to your due date." in my mind i need i would be close to the 19th since parker and madalyn were right at their due date. i had been walking the neighborhood, eating pineapple, doing everything in my power to get the show started...and nothing. sunday, april 24, was a lazy day for us. the kids had colds and i woke up with one too. we relaxed and stayed home from church. sunday evening as brandon and i relaxed and watched some parenthood i had a few, probably 6 contractions over 3ish hours. they then went away and we went to bed. i woke up monday morning a few minutes before parker came into our room to announce "the sun is out, its morning you guys!" i had had a contraction. i then had another one about 10 minutes afterwards. i started to time them and told brandon. he got parker his banana and a show going and hoped in the shower. i texted garth and mary saying that we would check in around 8:30 but hopefully we would be heading to the hospital that morning! within the next few minutes i had another 5 mins after. and then another at 5 minutes. i was a bit worried because they were pretty strong and i knew labor would go pretty fast. i called mary and said she needed to come right away. brandon quickly got ready. by the time mary come around 8:15 the contractions were about 4 mins apart. i finally got out of bed so we could go and my water broke. this sent both brandon  and i into a bit of a panic. we quickly said goodbye to the kids and got into the car. thankfully we are super close to the hospital. we got to the hospital and my contractions were 1-2 minutes apart. by 8:45 we were at the hospital and  headed into a labor and delivery room. my doctor arrived and within minutes i had cora at 9:10. we weren't even checked into the hospital yet! it was a crazy morning and one i'll never forget. we are so thankful for the blessing of another healthy beautiful baby!

cora grace deur weighed in at 8lbs 7ounces and 20" long. she was born with a full head of dark brown/black hair, chubby cheeks, and a serious face. we can't imagine life without her ;)

first photo!

meeting big brother and sister!!
"my baby cora grace"

Saturday, April 23, 2016

things to remember...

parker and madalyn are at such sweet ages right now. don't get me wrong we have our share of whining, crying, timeouts, and fighting but overall they are just a lot of fun.

madalyn is a nonstop chatting machine. she is constantly saying new words and phases that make us all laugh. current favorites are:
look obber there
look at me 
watch me daddy (in a very high pitch voice)
paco (parker...although she now prounnces parker)
i see horses, cows, sheeps, and pigs (everytime we are in the car)
a lion licked me in my room. it scary.
counting starting at five, six, sebben, eight, nine, ten, eleven, fourteen

parker continues to be all about construction, digging, and trucks. he spends most afternoons in the backyard with a large amount of trucks digging in the dirt. messy but keeps him occupied for hours. he is so sweet (most of the time) to madalyn. he is constantly on the move with some plan in mind...usually construction.

Monday, February 15, 2016

parker and madalyn.

wow. these two are just about the best things ever. together and separately. 
the relationship between them is priceless. brandon and i couldn't be more pleased with how they interact together. they play with each other, snuggle, laugh and get into trouble ;)
and of course they have their rough times too!

i love watching and hearing their conversations. parker loves to ask madelyn questions and hear her funny answers. she loves to follow him around and copy his actions. they build towers with legos, play trucks, take babies for walks, read books, watch mickey mouse club and so much more. just the other day they both were snuggled up in parker's bed together reading books...too cute!

renovation + two kids + pregnancy = exhausted

the title says it all. i'm tired. i had grand hopes of restarting the blog a while ago but napping always wins ;)

but to document the last few months and our amazing house transformation, here are a few pictures!

 tile going in the kitchen, bathroom, mud room area
 master bdrm/master closet
 living room
 front entry closet
 front entry
 new front closet (smaller and more usable!)
 p in his new room!
 front entry/stairs...bye bye two different shades of green!
 living space with refinished floors painted white
 cabinets going in

 bdrm lights
  front entry way

we are so excited for this project to be finished! although we are not the ones doing the actual work it has been very time consuming...more than we originally thought! Hopefully we will be able to move in soon and get settled before Baby Deur #3!!